Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Learning from JMS777 VS DDSD "Awakening the butterfly humanoid"

The first man Adam became alive and lived amongst spirits. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and God hovered over the waters. Then our CREATOR said, My children are blind and can not see me in the Spirit, for they have been made mortal and their days have been numbered. And it came to pass that when the children of GOD multiplied over the earth, The anointed taught the children of GOD that in the begriming GOD taught creation all the laws and that GOD promised all of Creation that before the end of the first day GOD would dwell with CREATION once more. Then I saw the anointed look up towards the heavens and say "I have been filled with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills, Brothers and Sisters Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for they will lie and deceive you. For anyone with the gifts of the spirit will always lead you to GOD. Those who deceive and lie can not say I am a servant of GOD. But if from there you seek God, you will find god if you seek god with all your heart. Love your CREATOR with all your heart. know TO ALWAYS walk in obedience to GOD, to love GOD, to serve GOD your CREATOR with all your heart. know that neither gold, silver or stones can enter the holy kingdom of god. know that If they who men call kings and prophets divide the holy body of the children of GOD, if they divide brother from brother and sister from sister, know today that as we are all children of the same GOD, they have a different master. brothers and sisters become wise children of god and grow to become a peaceful nation. know that in the blink of the eyes we will be reunited with our creator and our blindness shall be no more.

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